To open a web page or html page in new window there is function “open” of “window” object. The open() method opens a new browser window.

Open() method is compatible with all browsers like (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari and Opera)


Parameter values:

URL: Optional. Specifies the URL of the page to open. If no URL is specified, a new window with about:blank is opened.

Name: Optional. Specifies the target attribute or the name of the window. The following values are supported:

_blank – URL is loaded into a new window. This is default
_parent – URL is loaded into the parent frame
_self – URL replaces the current page
_top – URL replaces any framesets that may be loaded
name – The name of the window (Note: the name does not specify the title of the new window)

Specs: Optional. A comma-separated list of items, no whitespaces. The following values are supported:

channelmode= [yes|no|1|0] – Whether or not to display the window in theater mode. Default is no. IE only

directories= [yes|no|1|0] –  Obsolete. Whether or not to add directory buttons. Default is yes. IE only

fullscreen= [yes|no|1|0] Whether or not to display the browser in full-screen mode. Default is no. A window in full-screen mode must also be in theater mode. IE only

height= pixels The height of the window. Min. value is 100

left= pixels The left position of the window. Negative values not allowed

location= [yes|no|1|0] Whether or not to display the address field. Opera only

menubar= [yes|no|1|0] Whether or not to display the menu bar

resizable= [yes|no|1|0] Whether or not the window is resizable. IE only

scrollbars= [yes|no|1|0] Whether or not to display scroll bars. IE, Firefox & Opera only

status= [yes|no|1|0] Whether or not to add a status bar

titlebar= [yes|no|1|0] Whether or not to display the title bar. Ignored unless the calling application is an HTML Application or a trusted dialog box

toolbar= [yes|no|1|0] Whether or not to display the browser toolbar. IE and Firefox only

top= pixels The top position of the window. Negative values not allowed

width= pixels The width of the window. Min. value is 100

replace: Optional. Specifies whether the URL creates a new entry or replaces the current entry in the history list. The following values are supported:

true – URL replaces the current document in the history list
false – URL creates a new entry in the history list

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Spike vs Stretch

Much awaited discussion point’s are below on Spike v/s Stretch. We sometimes get confused to take story as a stretch or a Spike. Below written will explain you the clear difference between a Spike and a Stretch story.

1. Spike:
Spike is an invention of Extreme Programming (XP), is a special type of story that is used to drive out risk and uncertainty in a user story or other project facet.
At the end of a sprint, the spike is done or not-done, just like any other story.

Spikes may be used for a number of reasons:

  • The team may not have knowledge of a new domain, and spikes may be used for basic research to familiarize the team with a new technology or domain.
  • The story may be too big to be estimated appropriately, and the team may use a spike to analyze the implied behavior, so they can split the story into estimable pieces.
  • The story may contain significant technical risk, and the team may have to do some research or prototyping to gain confidence in a technological approach that will allow them to commit the user story to some future time box.
  • The story may contain significant functional risk, in that while the intent of the story may be understood, it’s not clear how the system needs to interact with the user to achieve the benefit implied.

2. Stretch:
A stretch goal is a task or story that has been scheduled into a Sprint but that is not committed. It is considered a cherry on top, so a task that the Team hopes to get done in the sprint but isn’t absolutely sure they’ll get to.
Stretch stories are useful to help a Product Owner ensure that they have defined enough stories for the team to continue work uninterrupted during a iteration when things go well. That said, the designation of “stretch story” is only valid for the current iteration.
If the team does not complete a stretch story, that story simply becomes one of many stories available to the Product Owner to consider for inclusion in the next iteration. Since priorities can change, the Product Owner may or may not choose to include that story in the next iteration.

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SQL Server – Difference Between Primary Key and Unique Key In MS Sql Server

Both PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE KEY enforces the Uniqueness of the values (i.e. avoids duplicate values) on the column[s] on which it is defined. Also these key’s can Uniquely identify each row in database table.

Primary Key:

  • Can be only one in a table
  • It never allows null values
  • Primary Key is a unique key identifier and can not be null
  • By default it adds a clustered index
  • A table can have only one PRIMARY KEY Column[s]
  • We can generated ID automatically with the help of Auto Increment field. Primary key supports Auto Increment value.
  • Primary key can be related with another table’s as a Foreign Key.

Unique Key:

  • Can be more than one unique key in one table
  • Unique key can have null values(only single null is allowed)
  • It can be a candidate key
  • Unique key can be null But only one Null value.
  • By default it adds a UNIQUE non-clustered index
  • A table can have more than one UNIQUE Key Column[s]
  • Unique Constraint doesn’t supports Auto Increment value.
  • Unique Constraint can not be related with another table’s as a Foreign Key.

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